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Get in Front of  Millions of People

By Having Your Very Own TV Channel!

Giving Your Business, Services & Presence MASSIVE EXPOSURE To Millions Of Hungry Eyeballs On The BIGGEST Television Platforms Online.

Live Streaming TV

Sky Rocket your business by getting onto Roku, Amazon Fire, Google Chromecast & Apple TV and more exciting ways like LG TV Apps, Samsung TV Apps + Android and iOS mobile apps... Reaching 100's of millions Homes Around The Globe 24/7!

Learn how you can explode your business!

Click on the button below and find out how your business can take advantage of the future in customer building

Get Your Streaming Channel Now

Let me ask you a question?

  • How would you like to grow your business... Without spending obnoxious amounts of money on paid advertising?

  • Without complicated social media strategies?

  • Without tedious SEO?

After all, these marketing methods can become

Expensive, Time Consuming And....

The Results Might NOT Justify The Effort.

But what if I told you that there's another way? Another way to grow your business FAST... And you can take advantage of it TODAY? 

You can leverage it to grow your brand, increase your revenue. Tap into the markets you never even thought of! Curious to know what it is?

These three TV networks can literally SKYROCKET your business!

But that's just a start.  Wait until you see all the other streaming platforms we will be streaming on!!

Get Your Streaming Channel Now

Dear Business Owner

If you would like to explode your business very quickly, grow your brand and reach potential customers you would have never imagined possible, this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read! Here’s why….

I’m sure you remember at least a couple TV commercials, that either, made you smile, maybe even laugh….Commercials that made you feel some type of emotion...Made you feel good, maybe made you feel bad… Happy… Sad…But most importantly, commercials that made you buy something.

It’s not a secret... Television, like nothing else, allows businesses to create strong, emotional content that can make people fall in love with their brands and most importantly, influence buying decisions.

Okay, but why am I telling YOU this?

After all, the cost of TV Adverts, as you know, can run into the hundreds of thousands and even millions.

And even though TV is a VERY powerful tool for getting your message across, and even though it produces results like no other media, it's probably not the most practical and cost-effective choice for your business.

However, with what I’m about to tell you, you can still achieve the same impact in your industry leveraging new generation TV.

And the best part?

You won’t have to pay anywhere near the price of a TV commercial…

 Actually, instead of just having a commercial on someone else’s channel...

YOU will have your own TV CHANNEL that’s going to be dedicated to YOUR BUSINESS ONLY.

Let Me Explain

Last year, for the first time ever, streaming TV has overtaken Pay TV.

This just goes to show that people much rather choose what and when they want to watch and prefer streaming TV over a broadcast TV….

Which brings me to my next point….

A stunning 50% of the public have some sort of streaming TV in their homes…

And what’s even better, this number is rapidly growing.

Roku TV and Amazon Fire TV have earned their place as leading TV Network Providers with just over 39 Million users in the United States alone and not counting the rest of the world.


What Does All This Means For You

Well, first of all, I don’t think I have to tell you, but this is a HUGE opportunity...

Because these streaming networks allow you to create channels for businesses just like yours!

Now, it doesn’t matter what kind of business you are in...

Having your own channel would allow you to connect with your audience and customers on a much deeper level, build a strong emotional bond with them, expand your brand awareness and most importantly, influence buying decisions.

In other words, 

Streaming TV can can take your business to the next level!

How YOU Can Get Maximum Results In Minimum Time and the Least Amount Of Effort?

We are experts at what we do.

And we focus on getting real and measurable results for businesses.

We don't just create TV channels and videos...

We are committed towards helping you use these channels and videos effectively, so you can see real and measurable increase in your business.

We take the time to understand your product or service, your customer and create content that is attractive, engaging and most importantly, brings results.

So whether you are a small local business or an international company…

We can help you grow even further!

It’s time for your business to reach a new level!

Imagine having your own TV channel on the biggest streaming networks...

Imagine being able to provide value and educate your potential customers about your products or services while at the same time building a strong bond.

Imagine the impact you would have in your industry by having your very own TV channel.

All of this is possible and we can help you achieve that!

Don’t waste any time and be at the forefront of Modern TV TODAY!


Amazon Fire and Roku TV are gaining traction at a phenomenal pace. And this is the PERFECT time to take advantage of this opportunity!

Because unfortunately... This opportunity… It’s not going to be here forever…

It’s still the early stages of streaming TV, but there will never be a better time than now, to start leveraging it to grow your business...

Here’s why...

There was a time when platforms like Google, FaceBook and YouTube were very cheap to promote your business on.

There was no competition and it was easy to get stunning results.

It’s not like that anymore…

As more and more businesses start to leverage these platforms, it becomes harder and harder for newcomers to reap the benefits and get any kind of results whatsoever…

And that’s exactly what’s going to happen with streaming networks as well..


If you are ready to grab this opportunity and EXPLODE your business while it’s not too late then schedule a call with us by filling out the form below…..

And let us prove it to YOU!

First of all, if you think that this may not work for your business…

You’re wrong.

Quite frankly, we worked with many types of local and international businesses

  • Real Estate Companies

  • Law Firms

  • Pet Stores

  • Speakers

  • Educational Firms

  • Non Profits

  • Schools

  • Film Groups

  • Coaches

  • Influencers & Celebrities

  • Schools & Universities

  • We’ve created, managed and grew channels in different industries and every single one of those channels produced great results!

    Here are a few channels we grew from zero that were huge successes!

    As you can see, it’s not just one channel that accidentally blew up…

    We know what we are doing and we have a system that’s proven to get results for our clients over and over again.

    That’s why we know we can get results for your business as well!

    How You Can Leverage Roku TV, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire To Explode Your Business And Develop a Powerful Brand!

    How Your Own TV Channel Can Help You Find "Starving Crowd" Who Are Craving For Your Products & Services!

    How You Can Get Your Own TV Channel Setup as soon as TODAY!  

    And much more...

    Channel Investment and Maintenance


    1 Channel on Roku, Amazon Fire, Google CC, Apple TV, and all other channels we stream on


    $2,500 per month

    • We will host up to 50 gbs of your video content

    • We will post the first 6 videos to your channel

    • 2 Video Intros

    • 2 Video Outros

    • Livestream to a website

    Get Your Channels Now

    Any additional channels are priced at 50% off the above rates

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Just click on the question

      ➤ How much does it cost to become a member?

      There is never any cost to our School, Non Profit or Sports Team partners. We are in the business of raising money for you. The current membership cost to your supporters is either $59 annually or $7 per month.

      ➤ How does our organization raise money using MonkeyDough.com?

      As members join MonkeyDough.com, at least 30% of the membership cost goes to your organization every single year that the supporter is a member of MonkeyDough.com.  And your organization gets paid 50% of the revenue generated by MonkeyDough.com for every paid hotel stay booked through your specific Travel Club site.

      ➤ What is the responsibility of our organization?

      We understand most organizations are limited with their man power and resources to raise funds. That is one of the beauties of MonkeyDough.com. Unlike events and other fundraisers that take enormous time, all you need to do is to communicate this program. Get it on your social media and website. Include it in your communication pieces. Let your supporters know the great benefit to them. We even incentivize your supporters to share it with their friends and family to help create even more revenue for your organization.

      ➤ What does MonkeyDough.com provide us to help market the program?

      We create custom marketing pieces branded to your organization along with a sophisticated affiliate system where you and your supporters can include it in your social media by the click of a button.

      ➤ How does this compare to other fundraising programs?

      First off, this is an ongoing program that creates annually increasing, recurring revenue. What else creates a recurring revenue stream for you? It's a huge benefit to your supporters that can save them $1000's of dollars every year plus they get a Complimentary 3 Night Stay of their choice so the value proposition is through the roof. Even if they no longer are affiliated with your organization, as long as they continue to be a member, your organization gets a check every year for their participation. With other product fundraisers, you have to sell something to the same amount of people every single year just to raise the same amount of money. With MonkeyDough.com, once they are a member, they will see the value, continue to be a member, and so next year, you bring in the same amount of new members, your organization doubled their revenue. And unlike events, you don't have to spend all that time getting the word out there. MonkeyDough.com was created to compliment what you are already doing, it doesn't have to be a replacement unless you want it to be. 

      ➤ Do we need to administer anything, or collect checks or cash?

      All you need to do is to communicate the program to your supporters, the community, friends and family, and anyone that wants to see your organization be successful. There is never any collecting of money in any form. Members join using a CC or Paypal and its all done securely online. And every month you receive a check or paypal deposit for everything done the month before. It's that easy. 

      ➤ How often does our organization get paid?

      MonkeyDough.com pays our non profit partners every single month for new and renewal members, and the travel club.

      ➤ How does MonkeyDough.com help us raise money nationally?

      Because we cover over 99% of the population, you can get the word out to supporters all over the country to join the program as it's a huge benefit to them. We have members letting their friends and family in other states know about the great benefits, and they are joining for the great savings to them. But your organization is also receiving a donation for all these new members, even though they may not even know anything about your cause.

      ➤ Is there any benefit to our organization for letting another organization know to partner with MonkeyDough.com?

      Absolutely, if one of our non profit partners refers another non profit that partners with MonkeyDough.com, we will pay you a referral donation for every new member they bring in. It's another great way to raise funds, as well as help other organizations raise funds for their cause. We want to make sure we are helping as many organizations as we can. 

      ➤ If the program is FREE to the school or sports team, and it creates recurring revenue, and it's a huge benefit to our supporters, why wouldn't every organization partner with MonkeyDough.com?

      That's a great question. Almost all organizations that we speak to have partnered with us. And their supporters love the program. We hear from so many non profits that raising funds strictly through donations is getting more and more difficult.  And the time it takes to put on events and look for donations has gotten more and more extensive. Here is an easy way to benefit your supporters, increase your revenue, create a recurring revenue stream, and not have to put in the time that other fundraising programs require. We hope you will help us spread the word of how beneficial MonkeyDough.com can be for any organization looking to raise funds.


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    Palm City, Florida

    Phone: 305-479-7311

    Email: [email protected]

    © 2022 Boost TV Network. All Rights Reserved